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Quarterly Gathering at Glenbrook, hosted by the Blue Mountains Group

  • 8 Jul 2017
  • Information Centre, Glenbrook Native Plants Reserve, Great Western Highway, Glenbrook


Registration is closed

A fascinating day with:

Paul Rymer speaking on the Citizen Science Research Program about tracking our native legumes or the Peas Tracker Program. The research is looking into the ecology of native plants in the Legume family – that includes wattles, native peas, and many other species that are related to the peas and beans we eat. The research is exploring what future future climates will do to our essential native plants. Dr Paul Rymer is the lead researcher from the University of Western Sydney.

David King, a Gundungurra Aboriginal elder, member of The Gully Traditional Owners and the founder of five Bushcare groups is a local legend. He will be sharing about the work being done by the Garguree Swampcare volunteers, restoring the degraded swamp systems within ‘The Gully’. This is an Aboriginal Place (adjacent to the Katoomba Sports & Aquatic Centre) managed in partnership between The Gully Traditional Owners and Council. After years of care, the swamp systems are starting to come back to life.

Dick Turner speaking on the 'Regent Honey Eater Recovery Program'. After 21 years of hard work by a dedicated group of volunteers and community, this long running project is seeing success in re-establishing habitat for the rare Regent Honeyeater. Involved since the beginning, Dick has been choosing locations to regenerate and overseeing the planting of trees and shrubs which are not only provide food and habitat, but help to control salinity and erosion. The species is now being regularly sighted.

As well as speakers, there will be plant sales and the opportunity to meet with like minded people, passionate about Australian plants and their habitats.

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